

1年ほど前(2009/08/31)、過体重の人々は正常体重の人々よりも倍速で前頭葉が失われ、よりアルツハイマー症・痴呆・認知症に対して脆弱であるとういいうCyrus Rajiの研究の話をした。



証拠は、心血管疾患と2型糖尿病を含む心臓に影響を与える病気の過程が、脳にも同様に影響をしていることを示している。Rajiは「体重増加が、脳組織に到達する血液流量や栄養分や酸素を 減少させ、結果として脳を委縮させる」と述べた。



[DAVID TEMPLETON: "Obesity can inflict big toll on brain -- Study shows weight can increase risk of dementia in elderly" (2009/08/27) on Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (訳) ]

A brain region in charge of controlling impulsively is smaller in obese teens than in lean ones, according to a new study.




The results suggest the bad eating habits that lead to obesity aren't simply due to a lack of self-restraint, researchers said. Rather, the smaller size of this impulse-control region in the brain might predispose certain children to gain weight. Or the obesity itself may even influence brain size, which in turn fuels uninhibited eating.


"It's not as simple as kids who have weight problems simply don't have enough willpower to actually lose weight," said study researcher Dr. Antonio Convit, of the New York University School of Medicine and the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research in NY

"It could be that their brains are either wired differently, or damaged in a particular way that leads them to gain weight from overeating," he said.

「体重に問題のある子供たちには、体重を本当に減らそうという意志力が足りないのだというほど単純な話ではない。そのような子供たちの脳のつくりが違っているのかもしれず、あるいは過食によって体重が増加するような形で脳がダメージをうけているのかもしれない。」とNew York University医学部およびNathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric ResearchのDr. Antonio Convitは言う。

Convit and his colleagues administered questionnaires on eating behaviors to 91 adolescents. The teens were on average 17 years old; 37 were normal weight and 54 were obese. The obese teens had an average body mass index, or BMI, of 39, and weighed 300 pounds on average.

The researchers scanned the teens' brains using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the teens completed several cognitive tests designed to see how well a particular brain region, known as the frontal lobe, was working. The frontal lobe is essential for planning, self-monitoring and modifying behavior. People who have damage to this area are less likely to have good impulse control, Convit said.

Dr. Antonio Convitたちは91人のディーエイジャーたちに食習慣についてアンケートを取った。彼らの平均年齢は17歳。37名が正常体重、54名が肥満。肥満のティーンエイジャーたちの平均BMIは39で、体重は平均135kgである。




As expected, the obese teens were more impulsive in their eating behaviors. They also had a smaller orbitofrontal cortex, part of the frontal lobe, and performed worse on the cognitive tests than lean adolescents did. In addition, the adolescents with a smaller orbitofrontal cortex were more likely to eat impulsively, known in psychology as "disinhibited" eating.


Because the children came from families with the similar income levels , it's unlikely that their socioeconomic class played a role in their performance on the cognitive tests. And the results held even after the researchers took into account the participants' blood pressure, which may influence frontal lobe function, Convit said.


[Rachael Rettner: "Brain Size, Not Lack of Willpower, May Fuel Obese Bad Eating" (2010/10/28) on LiveScience]

The researchers noted the study only shows an association, and not a cause-effect link. And they don't know whether it's obesity that may lead to a smaller frontal lobe, or the small frontal lobe that may contribute to obesity.


But there is a plausible explanation for how obesity changes the brain.




Obesity is known to cause changes to the immune system, boosting inflammation in the body. This increased inflammation may impact the brain and "lead to a vicious cycle, where the obesity leads to inflammation, which damages certain parts of the brain, which in turn leads to more disinhibited eating and more obesity," Convit told MyHealthNewsDaily.


[Rachael Rettner: "Brain Size, Not Lack of Willpower, May Fuel Obese Bad Eating" (2010/10/28) on LiveScience]





Yet no diet pill has ever become a true blockbuster. Combined sales of all prescription obesity drugs in the United States have been falling over the last few years and totaled only $154 million in 2009, according to IMS Health, a health care information company.

That is mainly because they generally produce a weight loss of only 5 percent or so. The body has so many mechanisms to maintain weight that any one drug is not likely to have much effect, scientists say.

ヒット作となっている体重減少薬剤は存在しない。米国における肥満治療薬品の全処方の売り上げは、過去数年減少しており、健康管理情報会社IMS Healthによれば、2009年には1億5400万ドルだった。これは主として、一般に5%程度の体重減少しか実現しないことによる。「人間の身体は多くのメカニズムで体重を維持しており、ひとつの薬剤では大きな効果は期待できないのだ」と、科学者たちは言う。

A study published in the journal Obesity in January that used insurance records found that fewer than 1 percent of adults used obesity pills despite the considerable number of obese people. And only 11 to 18 percent of the users stayed with the drugs for longer than three months, a far greater dropout rate than for statins.


"With a statin, patients rely on their doctor to tell them whether they should be taking it or not," said John A. Tucker, a pharmaceutical industry consultant in San Diego. "With an obesity drug, they can judge for themselves," and many are disappointed in the weight loss they achieve.

「コレステロール低下薬では、患者は医師の判断にしたがって服用するか否かを決める。しかし、肥満治療薬では患者自身が判断する。多くの人々は高価の小ささに失望する。」とSan Diegoの製薬会社コンサルタントJohn A Tuckerは言う。

[ANDREW POLLACK: "F.D.A. Rejects Qnexa, a Third Weight-Loss Drug" (2010/10/28) on NY Times]

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